30 metres of KERBEYE installed for Hatton Traffic Management Ltd on behalf of their client Skanska Costain STRABAG Joint Venture and the HS2 (High Speed Two) Ltd project in Wembley, London.

The project involved strategically installing 30 meters of KERBEYE onto existing kerbing infrastructure in key locations - HS2 site entrance and traffic islands on a roundabout. These locations are vital to the road network associated with the HS2 working sites. With the introduction of over 100 reflective points in these areas, the implementation of KERBEYE improves reflective visual navigation of the raised kerbing infrastructure. This benefits road users and pedestrians in safely and effectively navigating these locations.

  • White reflectors were incorporated into the scheme to allow road users to see the raised kerbing infrastructure allowing reflective visual navigation and making it easier to distinguish and navigate the roadway layout.

  • Green reflectors were used to alert and pre-warn road users of pedestrian crossings.

  • Red reflectors were used on the alternate side of the roadway - to warn road users driving on the wrong side of the carriageway.

