Modern slavery and human trafficking statement.


This statement is made under section 54(1) of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes KERBED IT Limited’s slavery and human trafficking for 2021-2022.

Our business:

KERBED IT Limited is a Leeds based company operating on a national level. KERBED IT Limited research, innovate and develop roadway safety products across a broad range of markets; in addition to this, we have an installation division. Further information about our business and products can be found at All of KERBED IT Limited’s employees are based in the UK.

Our policies and procedures:

KERBED IT Limited has a zero-tolerance approach to slavery and human trafficking of any kind within our business or supply chains. Our internal policies reflect our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships and implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure slavery and human trafficking are not occurring. These include:

Governance structure: We are committed to the highest principles of personal and professional conduct, including a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery. The board ensures a satisfactory process for managing strategic, risk management, ethical and corporate social responsibility issues, including modern slavery.

Whistleblowing: Our whistleblowing policy applies to everyone working within KERBED IT Limited, including employees, contractors and other third parties acting on behalf of KERBED IT. This policy provides a mechanism for reporting concerns about suspected wrongdoing or dangers at work, including slavery and human trafficking violations, without fear of reprisals. It forms part of KERBED IT’s mandatory training for all employees.

Training: To ensure the highest level of understanding regarding the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking in our business, all new employees, contractors and third parties receive training and induction as part of our processes. We make it critically clear that should any concerns arise, they should be reported directly to the company legal counsel.


KERBED IT Limited’s employees, contractors, and third parties are collectively and personally responsible for this policy's communication and practical application. Breaches of this policy will be dealt with under KERBED IT Limited’s disciplinary procedures and could lead to dismissal in appropriate circumstances. This policy will be reviewed annually and at such other times as may be required to ensure it remains relevant and appropriate to the aims and objectives of our business.

This statement has been approved and signed by KERBED IT Limited’s Managing Director - Bradley Abbott